Parma mia! is a blog for ex-pats and English-language speakers in Parma as well as for tourists who want to learn more. We've got lots of tips and tidbits to share: where to buy your foreign foods, favorite restaurants, what's on for kids during the weekends, local agricultural fairs, where you can find a babysitter or chiropractor and hints on how to make it through the bureaucratic maze that is Italy (see tabs below). This forum is for you: please share your ideas/events with us at or on FB at Parma Mia.

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August 29, 2013

September 2013 in Parma

Special events

Tutti matti per Colorno: August 30, 31 and September 1st in Colorno. Circus and street theater festival, activities for children and adults.

Cariparma Running Saturday 6 for children 6 - 12 years old and Sunday 7 for the 5, 10, half-marathon, and 30k. Register with CUS (click on the link).

Palio di Parma: medieval festival taking place on September 14-15. The clou is the donkey race at 5 pm on September 15!

Coccinella Day Insects and art at Grazzano Visconti on September 21 and 22. Promoted at IKEA so get there early if you're interested!

European Heritage Days: September 28-29 (see mibac website for programme)

Giornata Europea della Cultura Ebraica (European day of Jewish culture): September 29.


Gualtieri Lambrusco Festival Palazzo Greppi in S. Vittoria di Gualtieri (RE) August 30, September 1, 6, 7, 8.
Festival del Prosciutto: September 6-22. A rare opportunity to visit a prosciutto factory!

Fiera del Fungo di Borgotaro: September 14-15, 21-22.

Early music festival: September 16-22, Casa della Musica. Baroque music is a rare treat in Parma and most concerts are free or very reasonably priced!

Festival Verdi: September 30-October 31. Tickets may still be available...
Falstaff in Busseto, hometown of Verdi, October 12, 17, 19, 24, 26.


Opening September 13 at Fondazione Magnani Rocca: "De Pisis en voyage" until December 8.


International Library: Spanish reading club meets on September 2nd, German speaking club September 11, English reading club September 17, but what about the French reading club?? 

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