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May 29, 2012

Earthquake: what to do

Just in  case... here are a couple suggestions for the next few days:

Make sure there is nothing heavy in bedrooms that can fall on you or your kids during the night including picture frames.
Have petrol / gas in car, extra water in house, an emergency bag ready in case of evacuation including any necessary medicines.
Read thoroughly a website which explains what to do during earthquakes.
In English:
En français:
Make sure any babysitters are prepared as well.

Unless you are in danger, DO NOT USE THE PHONE after an earthquake, leave the lines open for those who REALLY need them.

How you can help:

The Italian Red Cross is collecting donations (tax deductible):

The bank Cariparma will match any donation done through its website: (not tax deductible).
Cariparma sostiene i territori colpiti dal sisma con l'apertura di un conto corrente speciale:
Emergenza Terremoto - IT87U0623012700000036931013
Dai il tuo contributo, noi raddoppieremo l'importo raccolto.

Some Parmigiano producers hit by the earthquakes are selling their cheese at discounted prices.
As mentioned in the post, you have to contact them directly. Parmigiano can be kept up to 6 months in the fridge.

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