Parma mia! is a blog for ex-pats and English-language speakers in Parma as well as for tourists who want to learn more. We've got lots of tips and tidbits to share: where to buy your foreign foods, favorite restaurants, what's on for kids during the weekends, local agricultural fairs, where you can find a babysitter or chiropractor and hints on how to make it through the bureaucratic maze that is Italy (see tabs below). This forum is for you: please share your ideas/events with us at or on FB at Parma Mia.

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May 11, 2015

Birthday Party Research

In doing some research for a birthday recently, we came upon a wealth of hidden information:
Firstly, know that there are many interesting places in Parma to have kids' parties from the local parks (Bizzozero-Legambiente) to MagicoMondo (Bouncy castles) to bars (Federale Caffe') to nursery schools/baby "parkings" (Il Club dell'Orsetto Lavatore).

The website has more suggestions with detailed info (cost, contact info etc.)

Cake bakers delight: we've discovered two fantastic stores where you can purchase Wilton cake products, toppers, sprinkles, and all those other things you might be missing from home.

-Zanlari in Via Marchesi
-ArteDolce in San Pancrazio

For your paper goods and party decorations try:
-Carte Diem in V. La Spezia
-Parma Cart (but you will need a partita iva number to purchase here).

There are also magicians, entertainers and workshop-makers available to keep the kids busy.

-Il Club dell'Orsetto Lavatore
-L'Albero all'in Giu

and many others...

Lastly, arts & crafts stores include:
-Carte Diem (small selection but with items that are hard to find like googley eyes and mini pom-poms)
-Marchesi (via dei mille)
-Casamatti in Centro Torri.

Who knew?!

1 comment:

Matt Voges said...

Kids are surely a bundle of extreme joy. It is a great pleasure to watch them jump around in the parties and enjoy themselves. Somewhere deep below they surely help you to connect with your childhood. bouncy castles for rent