Parma mia! is a blog for ex-pats and English-language speakers in Parma as well as for tourists who want to learn more. We've got lots of tips and tidbits to share: where to buy your foreign foods, favorite restaurants, what's on for kids during the weekends, local agricultural fairs, where you can find a babysitter or chiropractor and hints on how to make it through the bureaucratic maze that is Italy (see tabs below). This forum is for you: please share your ideas/events with us at or on FB at Parma Mia.

And remember to like Parma Mia on Facebook for weekly updates. Buon divertimento!

Website Disclaimer/Privacy Info

This website is meant to help you find your way around Parma. The advice and recommendations offered herein have no legal or official value and should only be considered "friendly suggestions." Just as we would welcome your personal recommendations, you will find restaurants or events which have been suggested to us by friends or followers: this means that we ourselves have not tried everything listed in our blog.

Moreover, we take no responsibility whatsoever for the quality of service, prices, dates, locations, etc. of the places/products/events/persons/services that you find mentioned herein, nor do we take any responsibility for personal injuries that may occur while you attend/visit these events/places/services offered.

Do not hesitate to send us an email if you have any questions and thank you for your understanding.

We wish you a great, safe time in Parma

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1 comment:

Aminata Sene said...

Hi, do you have a newsletter? If so, I'd love to be added to it.