Parma mia! is a blog for ex-pats and English-language speakers in Parma as well as for tourists who want to learn more. We've got lots of tips and tidbits to share: where to buy your foreign foods, favorite restaurants, what's on for kids during the weekends, local agricultural fairs, where you can find a babysitter or chiropractor and hints on how to make it through the bureaucratic maze that is Italy (see tabs below). This forum is for you: please share your ideas/events with us at or on FB at Parma Mia.

And remember to like Parma Mia on Facebook for weekly updates. Buon divertimento!

October 30, 2013

November in Parma - 2013

Tomorrow October 31: Aung San Suu Kyi in Parma
Halloween Parties

Remember November 1 is a National Holiday!

November 2013

 Music, & Theater
Hedda Gabler and other plays at Teatro Due this November.
Teatro del Vicolo: Two Friday nights in November - The International Magic Festival
Teatro del Vicolo: Two Sunday Afternoons in November - Fairytale Theater for Children
Nuove Atmosfere: a series of concerts from November to May beginning with Yoel Levi e Natalia Gutman on Thursday 14 November at the Auditorium Paganini
Festival "Concerti e Corti" in Colorno: Sunday November 10 and 17.
Traiettorie: Festival of Modern and Contemporary music 2013 from Sept 22 - Nov 23 at the Casa del Suono/Casa della Musica.
Teatro delle Briciole: Theater in the park every Sunday for children and non.

The De Pisis Exhibit continues at the beautiful Fondazione Magnani Rocca
The Botero Exhibit continues at the Palazzo del Governatore in Piazza Garibaldi

For a list of the Museums In and Around Parma Click Here

Cinema d'Azeglio, still waiting for updates. They are updating to digital and the English Language program should be ready soon;
Parma Film Video Festival

You can also find English Language Films in Milan & Florence - check the sites listed below in the "elsewhere" section

Special events in and around Parma
Halloween party in a castle? Yes we can!
At the Biblioteca Ilari Alpi and entire day dedicated to Japanese Culture-  5 Nov
Visit Carrara for the Festival of the Orient 31 Oct - 3 Nov
Visit Ravenna for the Ravenna Theater Festival Early to Mid Nov

Finalmente Domenica at Barilla Center every Sunday afternoon until Xmas.

Check out Parma Eventi for more ideas

Gastronomic Adventures

American Thanksgiving is Thursday, November 28 (as is Hanukah!).  You can buy your Libby's Pumpkin Filling as well as other products at Super Polo Supermarkets in Milan or (apparently) now online. Remember to order your Turkey (la tacchina - she's feminine!) from your local butcher in advance.

The California Bakery in Milan is doing Thanksgiving Dinner and offering a take-away service. You must call in advance/reserve if you're interested.

November Porc: every weekend of November.
The Festa del Tartufo in Calestano takes place every sunday until 17 November.

Also check out "Bar TeatroVia Bixio 62A" on FB for ethnic dinners in Parma every Thursday night!

For Autumnal Events in the Appennino  (including restaurants at "less than kilometer 0")
Great walks, hikes, and games with UISP: Trail walking & Trek games.

Visit our 'Nature' page.

Workshops for Kids
Libri e Formiche.: Workshops and Events include a Halloween Party at the bookshop!
Food Museums:  Museo del Prosciutto, Langhirano  on Sunday, 10 Nov at 15:30 and at 17:00 a workshop for children in elementary school.

Theater Courses for Kids
For teenagers at Teatro delle Briciole,
For kids aged 6+ at Teatro del Cerchio and at Theatro del Vicolo.

Visit our 'Kids' page.  We've recently found a great little guide Museums for Children. Check It Out!

English & Other Language Connections
Moms' Club of the International Library for kids on Monday, 4 Nov - Celebrate Halloween With Us!
English Reading Club on Wednesday, 6 Nov - This month "We Need New Names"
Spanish Group Lectures on Tuesday, 13 Nov - This month "El Almante Bilingue"
German Reading Group on Tuesday, 19 Nov - This month "Der Auftrag oder Vom Beobachten des Beobachters der Beobachter: Novelle in vierundzwanzig Sätzen"

Also, "Like" Parma Internazionale and Reggio Emilia, Modena and Parma English Meetup 
on Facebook for updates on local Ex-pat and English Language Drinks & Dinners in Parma.

Food Festivals: Fagiolino d'occhio (a bean), Chestnuts, Torrone in Cremona and more.

In Milan this month (Eventful): Disney on Ice, Cirque du Soleil, Bob Dylan, The Pixies, Artic Monkeys
In Milan this month (CiaoMilano): Faces from the Last Century (Art from the Centre Pompidou) at the Palazzo Reale, The Visitors in Concert at the Hangar Bicocca and lots more;

In Florence this month: Florence Art and Restoration Festival, Florence Marathon,
In Florence this month: Florence Queer Festival (50 days of Int'l Cinema dedicated to this theme), Florence Tattoo Convention, La Boheme, Weekend Yoga Retreat and more;

In Bologna this month: Bologna Jazz Festival, Nick Cave and the Bad Seed, etc.

Rainy weather suggestions: Reserve your tickets in advance and head to the Acquarium in Genova or to the Peggy Guggenheim Museum in Venice (Signac, Bonnard, Redon, and their contemporaries).
Verona and Brescia are easily accessible by day and also have some wonderful art museums to visit.

December 2013
Christmas is on its way! Plan a little trip to Merano or Bolzano to check out the local Christmas Markets...more to come.

Buon divertimento!


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