Parma mia! is a blog for ex-pats and English-language speakers in Parma as well as for tourists who want to learn more. We've got lots of tips and tidbits to share: where to buy your foreign foods, favorite restaurants, what's on for kids during the weekends, local agricultural fairs, where you can find a babysitter or chiropractor and hints on how to make it through the bureaucratic maze that is Italy (see tabs below). This forum is for you: please share your ideas/events with us at or on FB at Parma Mia.

And remember to like Parma Mia on Facebook for weekly updates. Buon divertimento!

September 1, 2014

September 2014 in Parma

Welcome Back! Hope you had a great summer. Below you'll find a list of events and things to do in & around Parma for the month of September and beyond. As always, we welcome your ideas, comments and event listings for both Facebook postings and our blog. Please feel free to email us at: Also, remember to like us on Facebook and share us with your friends!

Below: Special Events, Art, Cinema, Courses, English & Other Language Connections, Gastronomic Adventures, Music, Outdoors, Children's Art, Music, Theatre, and Elsewhere

Special events:
* 2 September - Romeo & Juliet in Piazza Garibaldi (click for tickets)
* 5-6 September - Beer Festival, Fontanellato
* 5-7 September - Tutti Matti Per Colorno (Colorful Street Fair), Colorno
* 5-7 September - Lambrusco Festival, Comune di Gualtieri
* 5-9 September - Prosciutto Festival, Langhirano & Parma
* 5 - 21 September - Teatro del Sogno - Cultural/Artistic events for adults & children, Casa nel Parco
* 6 September - Notte Bianche a Fidenza (80s revival). (Stores open late) Fidenza
* 6 Septmber - Notte Bianca and Dinner under the stars, (Stores open late) Bussetto
* 6 - 7 September - Rural Festival (Bio & Local Agriculture), Rivalti di Lesignano De' Bagni
* 6 - 7 September - Polenta Festival, Noceto
* 7-9 September - Palio di Parma - See Parma in it's traditional colors (Main event on Sept 21 starting at the Duomo), Parma
* 9 Septmber - Luna Park Closes with Fireworks, Traversetolo
* 9 September - 50 years of "Buon Ricordi" restaurants (reservation required)
* 13 September - Candlelight in the Castle, Fontanellato
* 13-14 September - Cariparma Running (Run through Parma 10k, half-marathon, la Duchessa)
* 13-21 September - Camper Show Fiere di Parma
* 14 September - Jewish Culture Day, Temples in Soragna, Modena, Ferrara
* 19 -21 September - Start up weekend in Reggio for students and entrepreneurs
* 20 September - Fright Night, Bardi Castle
*20-21, 27-28 - Mushroom Festival, Borgotaro
* 27-28 September - Old Car Show/Race, Parma - Berceto

For more events, we recommend checking:
Fondazione Magnani Rocca Manzu'/Marino exhibition, beautiful grounds:
Check out the exhibition, walk around and then go for lunch at The Gelso Agriturismo or for Sardinian food right near by.
Palazzo del Governatore - July through November, Exhibition dedicated to Hitchcock
Palazzo Bossi Bocchi (Cariparma) - 28 settembre 2014 - 25 gennaio 2015,  La Collezione Renato Bruson. Boldini, Fattori, Lega, Segantini, Signorini e i vedutisti veneti dell’Ottocento
Museo Bocchi (Monte di Parma)
For a list of the Museums In and Around Parma Click Here

Cinema in original version (mostly English):
The original ones at Cinema D'Azeglio, English dates TBA
Cinema Astra also offers some interesting films but most are in Italian
There is also an original language movie theatre in Reggio and several in Milan

For athletic courses see "Sports"
Look for courses offered by the various communities here under "In Programma"

English & Other International Language Connections
German Reading Group on September 9
English Reading Club on September 17
Stendhal Lecture Group (French) on September 3
Spanish Group Lectures on September 24

Also remember to "Like" the following pages on Facebook if you want to meet other English/International speakers in Parma:
-Cours de français Happy Hour Parma

-ENGLISH EVENTS Inglese PARMA MODENA (drinks and games in English once a week)
-Reggio Emilia, Modena and Parma English Meetup (English language dinners in Parma)
-Register on Internations (Parma sub-section) for info about monthly aperitivos and more
Also remember to like our "International Friends" here on FB:
Parma Panthers (American Football)
Le Jardine de Delphine (Flowers!)
BLV Chiropractica (Chiropractic studio in Parma)
Antiche Varieta' (Award-Winning Tomatoes)
Ohani Nunu Felt (Beautiful Felt Clothing and Gifts)
Chantal Dee (Jewelry)

Gastronomic Adventures
 *5-9 September - Prosciutto Festival, Langhirano & Parma
* 5-7 September - Lambrusco Festival, Comune di Gualtieri
* 6 - 7 September - Rural Festival (Bio & Local Agriculture), Rivalti di Lesignano De' Bagni
* 6 - 7 September - Polenta Festival, Noceto
* 9 September - 50 years of "Buon Ricordi" restaurants (reservation required)
*20-21, 27-28 - Mushroom Festival, Borgotaro

-For a comprehensive list of restaurants and trattoria in the area, click here;
-"Like" Bar Teatro Via Bixio 62A on Facebook for weekly invites to "ethnic dinners" in Parma;
-Check out this lovely service "foodie" guide service (and more), run by an American in Parma:

Casa della Musica - Mozart Series April 11 - June 15
Concerti Aperitivi - Fondazione Toscanini to May 2014;
Teatro RegioVerdi Festival Oct 10 - Nov 21

Sports & Outdoors:
Cariparma Running - September 13/14
UISP Parma - Sports and Courses for 2014
CUS Parma - Sport and Courses on/off Campus for 2014
Sports in the Appenine
CAI Parma - Hiking, Mountain Biking, Skiing, Family trips and more
It's also soccer/football season, check out Parma Calcio as well as the Parma Rugby Teams

Please check out the Nature section on our website

Art and Classes for Children
-Moms' Club: not yet available
-Libri & Formiche: new address is v Mistrali 2/B - three events this month!
-Laboratorio Famiglia al Portico: Events TBA

Film & Theater for Children
-Teatro delle Briciole: not yet available
-Teatro del Cerchio: not yet available
-Europa Teatri: not yet available
-Il Regio (Opera): The Verdi Festival for Children mid-to-late November
-Casa della Musica: not yet available


In Milan this month (Eventful): Tickets for upcoming concerts, festivals, etc.
In Milan this month (CiaoMilano): Find your way around Milan in English. Great exhibitions, concerts, flower shows, et al. Many museum exhibits offer "children's tours" for which you need to reserve in advance. Check out the aquarium, planetarium, and Natural History Museum as well.
For the more design-oriented, there's are often great exhibitions going on at the Triennale as well as installations at Hangar Biccoca.
Milano for Kids (pdf file)
In Florence this month: Movies in English, concerts and more
In Bologna this month: Concerts, exhibitions and more
In Bologna this month: Find your way around Bologna in English
Modena in English;
Torino in English: Lots to visit here - Eataly, The Cinema Museum, the Egyptian Museum...
Events in Ligura; Make your summer last longer!

Buon divertimento!