Baroque music (Vivaldi, Bach, etc) on November 15th with Fabio Bondi at Teatro Due. Beautiful programme, a world class musician playing on a period instrument.
Dvorak at Teatro Due on November 25th.
Nuove Atmosfere, a series of 20 concerts from November to May 2013.Dvorak at Teatro Due on November 25th.
The original ones, movies in original version, Cinema d'Azeglio, until December 4th.
Cineclub dei Bambini every Saturday until 1st Dec, Cinema d'Azeglio.
Special events
Halloween party in a castle? Yes we can! Click here.
November Porc: every weekend of November.
The Festa del Tartufo in Calestano takes place every sunday until 11 November.
Visit our 'Time Out' page.
Guided visits of natural reserves and parks of the province every second Saturday of the month until September 2013.
Biodiversamente, festival of ecoscience organized by the WWF: October 27th at Borgotaro, October 28th at the acquarium of Mezzani.
Visit our 'Nature' page.
Workshops at the Museum of Natural History every Thursday afternoon 4-6 pm.
Workshops at the bookshop Libri e Formiche.
Theatro del Vicolo: every Sunday at 3:45 pm. On 18 Nov., a play in English language!
Teatro delle Briciole
Festival Zona Franca at Teatro al Parco. 23 November-8 December.
Teatro del Cerchio
Europa Teatri: 4th November
Festival Vietato ai Maggiori in Fidenza.
Cinema in Collecchio every Sunday from 18th Nov. to 16th Dec. at 4 pm.
Theater courses: for teenagers at Teatro delle Briciole, for kids aged 6+ at Teatro del Cerchio and at Theatro del Vicolo.
Sunday November 11th "Un Museo al mese", discover one museum every month.
Galleria Nazionale (Pilotta): at 10:30 am a guided tour like a treasure hunt, for families and kids aged 8-12, no booking necessary.
Museo Archeologico Nazionale (Pilotta): from 3 to 6 pm, a workshop for kids aged 4-6 to discover ancient Egypt and hyeroglyphs. Each kid must bring a pack of "Das" paste, drawing paper and paint. Prior booking is necessary : tel. 0521233718 - 0521282787.
Newsletter of the Comune di Parma: click here.Finalmente Domenica at Barilla Center every Sunday afternoon until Xmas.
Visit our 'Kids' page.
"Du Tillot, regista delle art nell'età dei Lumi" at Fondazione Cariparma, an exhibition on the minister who transformed Parma from a medieval city to a modern "little Paris" in the eighteenth century.
70 photographs by Giovanni Amoretti at Palazzo Giordani, until 7th December.
70 photographs by Giovanni Amoretti at Palazzo Giordani, until 7th December.
The exhibition dedicated to the British painter Graham Sutherland at the Fondazione Magnani-Rocca, until 9 December.
In Pavia an exhibition dedicated to Renoir until 16 December.
In Milan 200 works by Picasso from the Picasso museum of Paris (currently closed for renovation). Until 6 January, 2013.